Optilight - IPL Therapy

What Is IPL Treatment?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is an innovative non-invasive treatment for dry eyes that patients describe as “life changing.” Traditionally, dry eyes is treated with warm compresses, over the counter artificial tears, or prescription medications. Many patients struggle to take so many drops every day and try to avoid medication. For other patients, insurance does not cover medication and can lead to large out of pocket expenses. IPL offers a “root-cause” treatment that can be done in the office at scheduled intervals instead of daily management. Most patients see and feel results after a few sessions, and don’t have to rely on drops and medications. IPL can also provide aesthetic benefits including reversing sun damage or age spots on the skin. IPL significantly improves redness, burning, irritation, and is a mainstay in the treatment of Rosacea. At Northwest Eye Center, we use the Optilight IPL system by Lumenis. It is the most advanced technology available and is FDA approved for dry eye management.

IPL for Dry Eye Syndrome

IPL uses gentle pulses of light targeting skin and eyelid meibomian glands. These glands are essential in producing the oil component of the tear film, which prevents tears from evaporating from the eye. IPL treats eyelid inflammation, reduces bacterial overgrowth, and prevents buildup of debris blocking meibomian glands.


In addition to treating dry eyes and blepharitis, talk to your ophthalmologist or optometrist if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Bags under eyelids
  • Redness from rosacea
  • Brown spots (liver or age spots)
  • Freckles
  • Spider veins


The treatment plan typically consists of 4 sessions, spaced 2-4 weeks apart. Each session usually takes 10-15 minutes. Patients often feel it is a “spa-like” experience and report improvement by the 2nd or 3rd session.

During the Optilight treatment session, your ophthalmologist or optometrist will apply a clear gel on your eyelids and face, and cover your eyes with a special eye shield.

You may experience a warm, therapeutic sensation as treatment is applied to the skin. The treatment is gentle, without any pain or discomfort.

After the third and fourth treatment session, gentle Meibomian gland expression is performed.

You can quickly return to daily activities post treatment, but will be advised to stay out of direct sunlight for a few days and apply sunscreen.

​​​​​​​Once you complete your treatment plan, maintenance treatment may be recommended every 6-12 months to ensure the best long-term results.

Our dedicated team is here to guide you in your journey to dry and eye and blepharitis relief. IPL is the modern, preferred, non-invasive, and effective treatment patients have been waiting for. IPL can make your skin and eyes look and feel better.